What We Do

Brightwell School Eco Alliance (BSEA) works tirelessly for the benefit of our children, our community, and the environment.

Our Vision

BSEA provides the required resources to enable Brightwell Primary School to be organisationally sustainable (fit for purpose and with sufficient capacity) whilst being environmentally sustainable (Net zero).

“The energy BSEA has injected into the community and School is wonderful. We are thrilled to be a working with them on this project”

— Merchant Taylors’ Oxfordshire Academy

Our Values

Community & Collaboration

We engage all parts of the community, everyone is asked, everyone is heard. Many hands make light work as we share the load.


We look at challenges with a beginner’s mindset and find new solutions to old problems.


We get it done, we have operational rigour, we stand by our work.

Responsibility and Respect
We acknowledge our role in caring for and protecting the environment we live and work in. 

We acknowledge our role in caring for and protecting the community we serve.

Our Projects

The Green Classroom Project

Timeline: Now until September 2025

The Re-Greening Project

Timeline: September 2025 onwards

Community Education Project

Timeline: september 2025 onwwards